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Puppies Arrived!!

6 beautiful babies arrived with only a couple of complications. But all worked out in the end. 4 girls and 2 boys….

Breeding Announcement!!

Destiny’s Resting Beach Face “Bikini” and GCH Bellastaff It Takes Two to Mango “Cruz”. Puppies expected mid January.

Orlando National Dog show

It was a great trip to the national Dog Show. The youngsters all did me proud!!


I love the way this boy has developed. Valkyrie’s Let’s Do The Time Warp Again. Half way to his title. ❤️

Chihuahua Regional/National- Tulsa

We had a great time in Tulsa. The kids all worked hard for me. We were all ready to come home though!! ❤️

Breeding Announcement!

CH Cannoli x CH Solitaire! Due mid November!

Breeding Announcement!

CH Famous x CH Kitty! Hopefully we will have puppies mid October!

Waukesha show!

We had a great time at the Waukesha Dog show. The young dogs (and the old dogs) showed great! Competition was steep but my kids hung in...

Special Delivery!!

I had the distinct pleasure of delivering a very special package to Boston this week. Pearl (probably the sweetest chihuahua ever on...

Bikini’s Litter Has Arrived!!

Bikini delivered 5 healthy, strong little ones on Tuesday June 11th. She has been a fantastic mother so far.

Litter Confirmed Mid June

Biggie and Bikini will be having puppies mid June! Stay tuned!

Westminster 2024

Westminster was fabulous !! Guido showed like a Rockstar and Bigs received an award of merit! Such a great time!

Off to Westminster!!!

Regardless of how we do, it is a dream come true showing at Westminster! Wish us luck!

Breeding Announcement!!

Breeding announcement GCHG CH Improv Valkyrie Biggie Smalls x Destiny’s Resting Beach Face. Hopefully we have a mid-June litter. Wish...

New Champion!

Valkyrie's Improv Diamonds R Forever 💎 "Solitaire" is now a champion! I'm super proud of Solitaire and Christy. They make a great team!

Klaus and Five

Klaus and Five are pretty much running the place around here now! lol! Adorable little bundles of sass!

Malibu’s little nuggets!

Malibu's girls are almost 5 weeks old now and cute little bugs!! One is a spitting image of Mali and the other is a spitting image of...

Kitty’s babies have arrived!

We hoped for an easy free whelp but kitty had other ideas! After an emergency c-section, these two gorgeous boys joined the world! Sure...

New Champion!

Cannoli finished his championship at Grayslake. He's such a good boy. He showed like a champ!!

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